A massive day of action to save Net Neutrality.
free press action fund

Hi there,

Last week, the FCC’s repeal of Net Neutrality was officially published in the Federal Register. This means the clock is ticking on the 60 legislative days for the Senate to reject the Trump FCC’s attack on Title II Net Neutrality.

Today we’re launching Operation #OneMoreVote, a massive day of action to win the final vote needed in the Senate to undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. Will you join us?

There are a ton of ways to take action both online and off:

1. Speak up: Call your senators and tell them to sign on to the CRA “resolution of disapproval, which is the best way to win back Net Neutrality and undo the FCC’s wrong-headed repeal.
2. Show up: Check out the Team Internet map to find a Net Neutrality protest or meeting near you.
3. Spread the word: Get your friends and family talking about Net Neutrality by changing your profile photos on social media to the Net Neutrality loading sign.

Today will be huge. Websites, organizations, online communities and people like you are joining together to save the internet we all love. We can do this, but we need your help. Will you join us?

Thanks for all you do—

Lucia, Candace, Dutch and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team,

P.S. TODAY: Websites, Internet users, and online communities are coming together to harness our power to secure the #OneMoreVote we need to pass the Net Neutrality CRA resolution in the Senate. Are you in?

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at freepress.net.

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