A new Net Neutrality law is on the way in California.
free press action fund

California’s governor just signed a strong Net Neutrality law, but the U.S. Justice Department is suing to block it from taking effect. Donate to fuel the fight to protect Net Neutrality in California and across the country.

Hi There,

BREAKING: A new Net Neutrality law is on the way in California.

On Sunday night, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a strong pro-Net Neutrality law. This is a victory that activists have been working toward for months.1 However, immediately after the governor signed the new law, the U.S. Department of Justice — with support from FCC Chairman Ajit Pai — filed suit in federal court to prevent it from taking effect.2

This is exactly why we need to restore the Title II Net Neutrality rules at the federal level and protect everyone in the United States.

Chip in $5 — or whatever you can give — to the fight to protect the open internet in all 50 states.

The right to speak online without interference from your broadband provider is essential for starting a new business, finding educational opportunities, organizing against injustice, and creating and distributing news, music, art and other information. The California Net Neutrality bill is a significant milestone in the effort to restore Net Neutrality for everyone in the United States.

California stepped in to fill the void Trump FCC Chairman Ajit Pai created when he destroyed the 2015 open-internet rules. Now the Trump administration wants to mess up the rules passed to protect Californians — and stop our momentum in the national fight to restore Net Neutrality across the country.

California now has to get ready to defend its new law in court — but members of Congress could bring Net Neutrality back for all 50 states using a tool called the Congressional Review Act (CRA). Donate whatever you can today to help us save Net Neutrality in California and beyond.

It’s not too late to save the open internet in California — and all across the country.

Thanks for all that you do—

Lucia, Matt, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. The signing of a strong Net Neutrality law in California reinforces what we already know: The people want an open internet. Help fuel the fight to save Net Neutrality in all 50 states

1. “Free Press Action Fund Hails Passage of California Net Neutrality Law, Denounces Justice Department Lawsuit,” Free Press Action Fund, Oct. 1, 2018: https://act.freepress.net/go/27301?t=9&akid=11332%2E10296224%2EAaJh7b

2. “U.S. Government Sues California Over Net Neutrality Law,” The Verge, Oct. 1, 2018: https://act.freepress.net/go/27302?t=11&akid=11332%2E10296224%2EAaJh7b

Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at freepress.net.

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