Thanks for supporting our lawsuit to restore Net Neutrality.
Free Press Action


The Net Neutrality fight is far from over — and we couldn't be more grateful that you’re in the trenches with us. Here's an update on the ongoing fight:

  • Our legal team hit it out of the park when they faced off against FCC lawyers earlier this month. We expect the court to issue a decision this summer.
  • Our very own Jessica J. González testified before a powerful House committee last week on behalf of our 1.4 million members who want the Net Neutrality rules reinstated and the FCC’s authority to protect people from ISP discrimination and abuse restored.

    As she told lawmakers at the hearing, the Trump FCC’s repeal was wildly unpopular with people across the political spectrum, but “people of color have been some of the most vocal critics, in part because we have more at stake” in the fight for these communications rights. We can’t let cable and phone companies discriminate against people who use the internet to “reach a large audience with our own stories in our own words, start small businesses, or organize for change.”
  • We’re leading the charge to expose and derail three totally fake Net Neutrality bills. Last week Reps. Bob Latta, Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Greg Walden all introduced bills that pretend to protect the open internet but would actually do the opposite.
  • We mobilized our members and staff to visit their representatives' offices on Valentine’s Day. Over a dozen people across the country dropped by to ask: "Will you be mine? Will you represent me and save Net Neutrality from bogus bills?"
  • We’re not just playing defense: We’re also gearing up to support the new Congress’ efforts to reinstate Net Neutrality rules and their legal foundation. We hope to see legislation soon that would restore real Net Neutrality and all of the protections of Title II.
Photo collage of members and staff visiting their representatives' offices on Valentine’s Day.

We don’t need to tell you what’s at stake in the Net Neutrality fight — or how far from over it is. But your support can help us win. We don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties, so every dollar you donate keeps our work going strong — and helps us stay independent. Chip in $10 - or any amount you can - to help save the Net.

Thanks again—

Carrie, Lucia, Collette and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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