The Net Neutrality repeal is about to become official.

Hi there,

The FCC order repealing Net Neutrality was published in the Federal Register yesterday, triggering a countdown clock for overturning the unpopular decision. We now have a tight timeline to save the open internet.

It's time to ramp up the pressure on Congress to undo the FCC's wrong-headed Net Neutrality vote before it becomes the law of the land. That's why we're launching Operation #OneMoreVote, an internet-wide day of action to secure the final Senate vote needed to reverse the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. Join us on Feb. 27 to save the open internet.



free press action fund

Hi there,

BREAKING: The Net Neutrality repeal is about to become official. The FCC is expected to publish its Net Neutrality rollback in the Federal Register tomorrow, which means that Congress will be able to examine the rules and move forward with a vote to reverse them.1 This also means that we have a limited amount of time to get all of our elected officials on board to save the open internet — but we have a plan to get there.

Millions of people have spoken out against the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal because they recognize how important the open internet is for racial justice, free expression, innovation and economic opportunity. The momentum we’ve seen has been grassroots and creative, and gives us hope for the future.

Here’s a recap of what’s happened since the FCC’s vote:

• Legislation that would enforce Net Neutrality has popped up all over the country.2
• We filed one of the very first lawsuits to overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality-killing vote3 and at least 22 state attorneys general are also suing the FCC.4
• Burger King (yes, that Burger King!) created an ad explaining Net Neutrality.5
• Team Internet activists have been showing up outside their members of Congress’ offices all over the country to tell them to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal.6
• The pressure people are putting on Congress is working: Members have been signing on to support the CRA effort to save the open internet left and right. We’re just 1 vote away from winning a CRA vote in the Senate — but we have our work cut out for us in the House.
• Along with our allies at #BattlefortheNet, we’re gearing up for another internet-wide day of action to save the open internet…

On Feb. 27, we’ll launch Operation #OneMoreVote, a massive day of action to secure the final Senate vote needed to undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. Will you join us?

On this day, internet users, small businesses, online communities, public-interest groups and popular websites will mobilize to flood lawmakers with calls, emails and tweets. Our goal: to secure the final vote in the Senate needed to pass a resolution of disapproval that would overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal. We need your help to make this happen: RSVP to join us online on Feb. 27.

There are a ton of ways you can take part in Operation #OneMoreVote, ranging from changing your profile photo, to tweeting and calling your members of Congress and spreading the word. Everything helps.

See you online on Feb. 27th!

Thanks for all you do—

Lucia, Candace, Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. February 27th will be the next internet-wide day of action to save Net Neutrality. Will you join us?

1. "FCC Reversal of Net Neutrality Rules Expected to be Published Thursday" Reuters, Feb. 20, 2018:

2. “To Kill Net Neutrality FCC Might Have to Fight More Than Half of U.S. States,” Ars Technica, Feb. 16, 2018:

3. “Free Press Among First to Take FCC to Court for Unpopular and Unjustified Net Neutrality Decision,” Free Press, Jan. 15, 2018:

4. “22 States Sue FCC for Axing Net Neutrality,” Huffington Post, Jan. 16, 2018:

5. “Burger King Made a Surprisingly Good Ad About Net Neutrality,” The Verge, Jan. 24, 2018:

6. “Net Neutrality Activists Lobby Congress at ‘Be A Hero’ Events, Free Press, Feb. 16, 2018:

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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