Verizon just proved why we need Net Neutrality.


The Trump FCC claims we don't need Net Neutrality, but just last week Verizon Wireless slowed down videos from Netflix and YouTube — in an apparent violation of the open-internet rules.

Meanwhile, over in Congress legislators are moving fast to undermine these protections. Our new Team Internet campaign is mobilizing volunteers across the country to hold their lawmakers accountable — but time is running out. We need your help to turn up the heat.

Chip in $10 or more today to help us stop the FCC and Congress from destroying the open internet.



Verizon just proved why we need Net Neutrality.

free press action fund

Don't let the likes of Verizon get control over the internet: Chip in $10 or more today to help save Net Neutrality.


The Trump FCC claims we don’t need the Net Neutrality rules — but Verizon just proved why we need these protections to guard against companies like … Verizon!

Late last week internet users caught Verizon slowing down videos from Netflix and YouTube in what looks like a violation of the Net Neutrality rules. This could be the tip of a very big iceberg: Since the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules went into effect, a whopping 47,000 public complaints against internet service providers have been submitted to the agency. Trump’s FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, is refusing to release or act on those complaints — any number of which could point to serious Net Neutrality violations.

Then on Monday, Senate Republicans announced plans to introduce anti-Net Neutrality legislation (a similar bill was introduced in the House in May). And on Tuesday, the head of a powerful House committee announced that he’ll be inviting the CEOs of the largest phone, cable and internet companies — and only those CEOs — to a September hearing on “ground rules of the internet.”

Seriously? Talk about letting the fox guard the henhouse.

Chip in $10 or more today to help stop the FCC and Congress from handing control of the internet to companies like Verizon.

We’re fighting back on every front, including demanding that the FCC investigate Verizon for Net Neutrality violations. But much more is needed to win. The only way for internet users to wield more power than Verizon and Comcast — and get decision-makers to protect the open internet — is to band together in every state in the country to demand it.

That’s exactly what Team Internet is designed to do. We launched this ambitious grassroots people-to-people volunteer network of Net Neutrality defenders on the heels of the July 12 Internet-Wide Day of Action, and are coordinating it alongside our allies at Demand Progress and Fight for the Future. So far more than half a million people have signed up to carry the fight forward in their communities.

In the crucial months ahead, Team Internet activists will speak up at town halls, meet with senators and representatives in their home districts, and encourage neighbors, colleagues, family and friends to join in defense of Net Neutrality. We’ll support these volunteers every step of the way.

Donate $10 or more today to help pressure lawmakers to do the right thing and protect Net Neutrality.

Time is running out in this fight: The FCC is expected to vote this fall on Chairman Pai’s plan to destroy the internet. Every dollar you give today will help us fight back.

Thanks for all that you do—

Carrie, Candace, Lucia and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. Control over the internet belongs in the hands of internet users — not companies like Verizon that can’t be trusted to do anything but enrich themselves at the expense of our rights and freedoms. Donate $10 or more today to save real Net Neutrality. Thank you!

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization building a nationwide movement for media that serve the public interest. Learn more at

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