NWC Update
Network Computing
April 02, 2024
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Network Service Providers Hit with AI Traffic Surge
The growing use of AI by enterprises and consumers is impacting data center and provider networks. As such, both need to be upgraded to support growing AI traffic.

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Fulton County Schools: 4 Key Tactics for Building Platform Integration and Driving Departmental Collaboration
When undertaking a major technology project, nothing — not the most state-of-the-art technology, intelligent consultants, or newest strategies — matters as much as the people on your organization’s implementation team.
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Four Ways Your Network Team Can Help You Defeat Ransomware
Network teams can complement security teams by preventing ransomware from entering the enterprise and, should it enter, stopping it from propagating across the network.
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SASE Architecture: A Checklist for SASE-savvy Businesses
SASE can provide secure and efficient access to cloud-based services and resources for users, regardless of their location. Follow this checklist to attain this goal.
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  • The CISOs Guide to the Software Supply Chain

    One software update, one misconfiguration, or one vulnerability in an open-source component can cause major disruptions to your business. Securing components, activities, and practices involved in the software supply chain can be a maddening exercise of whack-a-mole.

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Navigating the Next Frontier of Wi-Fi 7 Performance
As we move closer to fully realizing the potential of Wi-Fi 7, it becomes evident that the RF, signaling, and throughput tests are not merely procedural checkpoints but the pillars of excellence in wireless communication. Read More
Fiber to the Home (FTTH): The Great Wait Continues
Fiber to the Home (FTTH) delivers high-speed Internet connectivity directly to residences and businesses. Its rollout, however, has been something less than breathtaking. Read More
NaaS 2024: A Look at the Future of Network Services
As NaaS continues to evolve with AI, SDN, and industry-specific solutions, it is poised to shape the future of network services. Read More

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