Network Computing
September 10, 2020
Network Vendor Loyalty Benefits Continue to Dwindle
It is imperative that you begin building relationships with multiple vendors that can help differentiate their products from others they're competing with.

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5 Reasons Why Data Centers Continue to Thrive
The data center continues to provide stability, affordability, and utility to organizations undergoing a complex digital transformation initiative.
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5 COVID-Created Network Trends That Are Here to Stay
COVID-19 has reshaped the way enterprises deploy, manage, and use network services. Here are the changes that are likely to stick around long after the pandemic has ended.
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Living (and Working) on the Edge: How COVID-19 Has Dragged Even the Cloud Closer
By bringing the cloud edge closer to users, where content is both created and consumed, storage, compute, and connect resources can be more efficiently utilized.
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Restricting 5G Competition Will Slow the Post-COVID Recovery
COVID-19 is already battering the global economy. Prospects for a swift recovery will depend heavily on whether countries adopt new technology and embrace competition. Read More
When Network Connectivity Can Mean Life or Death
Lessons learned from first responder communications networks can be applied to businesses striving to improve network availability and performance under load. Read More
Why You Need to Know About the New Cisco DevNet Certification
Cisco has introduced new DevNet training and certification programs that factor in the evolving responsibilities of IT managers and developers. Read More
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