What Is Karma?

by Paramhansa Yogananda

All effects or seeds of your past actions can be destroyed by roasting them in the fire of concentration, meditation, the light of superconsciousness, and by right actions.  

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by Cheena Chawla MD
Ananda India
I fervently kept praying to my Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, to wade me out of the tormenting turbulence. A slight sore throat and mild fever over three days were signs of COVID-19 infection and had, for a moment, shaken me!
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Spiritual Questions Answered

The law of life, of the soul’s true nature, is not complicated. In many ways, it is not difficult, provided we make the effort, accepting at the same time that God is Doer, Creator, and Sustainer of all life.

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Asha Nayaswami
Live Like Yogananda
The primary definition of feeling is bliss itself. Born not of outer involvement, but of inner feelings of bliss, enthusiasm allowed the master to enjoy all circumstances equally. 
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New Course, with 10 Live Webinars

Karma and Reincarnation

Starts Wednesday, June 16, 4:30 PDT

Understand, befriend, and transcend the 2 mystic laws of creation.
"The lesson of reincarnation is to neutralize the waves of likes and dislikes, of desire and aversion, by the expression of kindness, forgiveness, and compassion to all, and by steadfast contentment in the Self." -Paramhansa Yogananda

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What Is a Good Mantra for Kriya Yogis?

Nayaswami Jyotish
Ananda Spiritual Director

People asked Swami for a mantra, because other paths have mantras. Swami said, "If you want a mantra, do 'Aum, Guru,' or 'Reveal Thyself.'"

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The attitude toward action is the most important thing of all: to not be attached. It's key to the whole teaching of the Gita. Krishna says, "Act without desire for the fruits of action." 

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