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ACDIS 2021 Speaker Deadline January 8

With the uncertainty remaining around the COVID-19 pandemic, ACDIS made the decision to reschedule its annual conference. The conference will now take place October 25-28, 2021, at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas, Texas. We plan on hosting our usual live pre-conference events and adding online/virtual tracks to supplement the in-person offering.

Due to this move, we will keep the conference speaker application period open through January 8, 2021. Please consider your session title, a brief outline, three-to-five learning objectives, and a summary description of your session before you begin your application. If you plan on having two speakers, be sure to have your co-presenter's information ready when you begin the application. Two speakers total for each selected session will receive complimentary registration to the conference.

All submissions will additionally be considered for new online and supplemental events being planned by ACDIS and the 2021 volunteer events committee as well.

Click here to apply to speak at the 2021 ACDIS conference!

Best regards,

Melissa Varnavas
Associate Editorial Director |

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