March 23, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

During these crazy market moves, a lot of us are keeping in the back of our mind a notion along the lines of, “hey, this might be the chance to buy something cheap… but it better be really, really good!”  So with that in mind, the latest teaser pitch from Dividend.com caught my eye -- they're touting a stock with 40+ years of dividend growth as their "new pick" for their Best Dividend Stocks List... Maybe now’s the time that we can finally stomach buying some of these?  Let's at least figure out what it is, just click below to...

Angel investing is taking the world by storm. Everyday people from coast to coast are now backing little-known startups long before they IPO, and they're exploding in value, becoming worth billions of dollars. It's making some Americans wealthier than they ever dreamed possible. But when you're in a position to have all of these exciting deals at your fingertips, you need a way to determine which could be winners - and which are nothing more than hype. As Robert reveals in this brief video, the "1,000X Formula" is exactly the ticket.


Heightened anxiety these days means we're all the prime audience for the promises of profits that live inside investment newsletter ads.  Which ones did we cover this week?   

We started, naturallly enough, with a promise of "coronavirus riches" from Ian Wyatt -- so what's he teasing?  My story is here.

After that we looked into a promise of near-term riches -- Chris Wood is teasing a "Superdisruptor" company that is about to emerge from a March 30 merger... Thinkolator results on that one here.

Then we looked into the Cabot pitch for what they're calling the "strongest stock in the entire cannabis universe" -- that's a hard-hit sector, so is the strongest survivor worth a look?  My thoughts are here.

A little bonus teaser solution for you to close out the week of free articles -- this is one we've published before, but it continues to come up pretty regularly, including this week with all the attention Amazon is getting as purveyor of everything to the coronavirus shut-ins of the world... The Wealth Advisory hints that we've got $48,000 in payouts that are legally obligated to begin rolling our way from this e-commerce goliath, so what's the real story?  I updated our piece for you, you can see the whole thing here.

Finally, If you missed the Friday File this week, I've got lots of blather to share on the coronavirus and what it's doing (or might be doing) to my portfolio companies -- updates on lots of my holdings this week, plus a few sells and buys, just click below if you missed that email or feel like signing up to our premium membership....

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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