
Special audio tour for young people

Starting today, young visitors to the Anne Frank House can explore the museum with an audio tour created especially for them. A virtual Anne Frank guides young visitors through the front house and the Secret Annex in this audio tour, sharing her story. The new audio tour is aimed at museum visitors aged 10 to 15 and is available in eight languages.

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Video Tour

Not all young people have the opportunity to visit the Anne Frank House. Therefore, a new English-language video tour has been created in addition to the audio tour. It is launched on YouTube; Instagram and TikTok will follow shortly. This video tour guides young viewers through the Anne Frank House using footage filmed in the museum, with a virtual Anne Frank as their guide. The video tour is enhanced with historical images and clips from the Anne Frank video diary.

Donation of Autograph Book with Verse by Anne

The Anne Frank House has received a special donation from Jacqueline Sanders-Van Maarsen: her autograph book with a handwritten verse by Anne Frank, dated 23 March 1942. The now 95-year-old Jacqueline has carefully preserved the album with Anne’s verse over the years as a testament to their deep friendship.

3 May 1960, Museum Opening

On Friday, 3 May, it will be sixty-four years since the Anne Frank House opened its doors to the public on 3 May 1960. Otto Frank, Anne’s father and the only one of the eight people from the Secret Annex to survive the Holocaust, laid the foundation for the preservation and opening of the building at Prinsengracht 263: as a warning from the past, with an eye to the future.

Anne Frank House in Virtual Reality

Experience Anne Frank’s hiding place as it was from 1942 to 1944. Put on your VR headset and wander through the rooms where Anne Frank and seven others lived in hiding during the Second World War. Immerse yourself in her world, her thoughts, and her feelings. Our free and updated VR app is compatible with Oculus Go, Rift and Quest, PICO VR, Gear VR, and Steam VR.
Copyright 2024 Anne Frank Stichting, All rights reserved.

Anne Frank House
PO Box 730
1000 AS Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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