The Noonies celebrates the amazing people who power the technology industry.
Hacker Noon: How Hackers Start Their Afternoons
Oh hello there, Hacker,

At HackerNoon,our stellar team of developers is busy devoting their coding talents to improve usability, accessibility, design, and the overall awesomeness of the platform.
Recently, we shipped the Audio Player Feature.
In case you haven’t noticed it, the audio clip appears right beneath the featured image. 

Every single recent (and –upon request—older) post will be available in the audio format. Authors of the content will be able to download the file in their profile dashboard.
You can choose between 4 different voices, listen at different speeds, and – "most importantly" – you can listen to various blogs while you go for walks, dance around your house, do chores, drive to work, etc. 
You can also download your blog's personal audio content and remix it into a cool electronic tune or sample it throughout a set! If you do that, please send it to me because I love that stuff. 

To download the audio file, simply go into your 'stats' tab in your HackerNoon profile, then click on whichever article you are interested in downloading the audio file for. Sample images for this appear below. 
To read more about the feature, please click here.

With care, 

Ellen Stevens

Editor and Community AdvocateÂ