New books and courses out now! No images? Click here Hey there!We've added exciting new books and courses to our library on SitePoint Premium this week! 🎉 Right now, new subscribers can get 60% off for the first three months. That’s $3 a month to access 400+ tech books and courses — grab the deal here. Check them out: Node.js: Tools & Skills, 2nd EditionIn this book, we'll take a look at a selection of the related tools and skills that will make you a much more productive Node developer. Build a Recipe App with Nest.js and MongoDBIn this tutorial, we’re going to use the NestJS framework for Node to build an API for a small but fully functional CRUD recipe app. Along the way, you'll see just how powerful and elegant this framework can be. Interview Prep: Merge SortSorting is a key activity in programming, and you should understand how it works. Merge sort is a common approach. It serves as a cornerstone to your algorithmic knowledge, helping you in your job, and improving your interview performance. 🧠 And don't forget...If these don't scratch your particular itch, you can access 400+ other books and courses for just $3/month for the first 3 months. Here are a few of the most popular books in our library to help you level up your development career: Visual Studio Code: End-to-End Editing and Debugging Tools for Web DevelopersThis up-to-date guide covers all of the essential components of Visual Studio Code, including the editing features of the workspace, advanced functionality such as code refactoring and key binding, and integration with Grunt, Gulp, NPM, and other external tools. Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 4th EditionProfessional JavaScript for Web Developers is the essential guide to next-level JavaScript development. Written for intermediate-to-advanced programmers, this book jumps right into the technical details to help you clean up your code and become a more sophisticated JavaScript developer. Form Design PatternsOn first glance, forms are simple to learn. But when we consider the journeys we need to design, the users we need to design for, the browsers and devices being used; and ensuring that the result is simple and inclusive, form design becomes a far more interesting and bigger challenge. Start your subscription today and you'll get access to these books and courses, PLUS 400+ others! Happy learning! |