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Tuesday April 13 2021
New Cat 816 landfill compactor features improved guarding and structure engineering to optimize uptime
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Pictures: The Cat 816 landfill compactor
New Cat 816 landfill compactor features improved guarding and structure engineering to optimize uptime
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Ford Reveals how a new design approach changed the view from the driver’s seat and paved the way to future models
Pictures: The Cat 816 landfill compactor
Dennis Daniel
Editor, PMV Middle East
Telephone: +971 4 444 3615
Direct: +971 52 969 9869
Email: dennis.daniel@itp.com
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Anup Nagpurkar
Group Sales Manager, PMV Middle East
Telephone: +971 4 444 3573
Direct: +971 52 895 0931
Email: anup.nagpurkar@itp.com
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