August 10, 2018 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

New CMS guidance on ligature risk says Joint Commission recommendations set the bar

  Expect CMS surveyors to be referring to recommendations set out by The Joint Commission last fall when looking for ligature risk and other environmental hazards in the push to make hospitals and psychiatric units safer for patients at-risk of self-harm.

Newsletter Headlines

An unexpected inspection could cost your facility if it isn't complying with RCRA

 Until about a decade ago, inspectors from the federal EPA and comparable state agencies did not venture onto healthcare campuses very often, said Darrell J. Oman, program manager of consulting services for Stericycle Environmental Solutions. That changed, he said, once the EPA “looked at revisiting the pharmaceutical hazardous waste world” and saw that many healthcare facilities were not fully complying with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which has been in effect since the 1970s.

HFAP revises standards to address reduction of Legionella risk

 To keep themselves as closely aligned with CMS as possible, HFAP has updated their Acute Care Manual with a new requirement for Infection Control Standard 07.01.03—Reduce Risk of Legionella in Water Systems.

CMS revises recent memo on requirements for reducing risk of Legionella infection

Be prepared for renewed interest in your water management program and especially how it is designed to prevent the spread of Legionella infection. CMS just updated its memo from last year on requirements to reduce the risk of Legionnaire’s disease, in part to clarify expectations for hospitals and nursing homes.

HCPro Product Spotlight

Preventing Emergency Department Violence: Tips, Tools, and Advice to Keep Your Facility Safe

 This book provides healthcare personnel and security professionals with guidance for how to deal with violent patients and visitors, active shooters, uncooperative behavioral health patients, and disruptive prisoners. This expert guide will help healthcare professionals recognize signs of violence, take steps to defuse tension, and respond appropriately. Expert author Lisa Pryse Terry, CHPA, CPP, offers real-life examples and tools to create staff training, and provides sample response protocols and emergency department design ideas to help readers develop plans and make improvements in their own facilities.

Mac's Safety Space

CMS Ligature Risk Update - Not quite finished...

August 10, 2018

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Matt Vensel
Associate Editor
Hospital Safety Insider

35 Village Road
Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

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