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Stats, stats, stats 📊

It's time to be a data analyst! 👨‍💻

Thanks to our new detailed statistics feature, you can analyse every data of

each email campaign you've sent (opening platform, opening time and many more).

Check these information and analyse them to improve your communication! 📊 





What does it do? 🤔

The new feature (included into our Pro versions) gives you more information about your subscribers and their actions. 

Using our Pro versions you can now see:

- Who clicked on a link?                     

- When did he click?                           

- From what device (mobile / desktop)

- What software he used to open it     


You'll also be able to monitor the active subscriptions amount for every list.

That means you can now track how many users subscribed/unsubscribed over the time.

About our last feature👇

Have you ever tried the follow-up email yet? 

On AcyMailing, you can schedule your email campaign. 

 Here is our top 3 of the best practices to get started! 📬


  1. Send your emails at least 3 days after the first one
  2. Prefer Tuesday and morning hour as 10 and 11 a.m. to send your email
  3. Leave some time behind each email, you have to send at least 3 days before the next one.

‍‍‍‍All rights reserved, 2020, Acyba‍. Unsubscribe

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