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Video of the Week by Jensen Fly Fishing | “As It Happens: Classic Button Hook”

Sea Run Browns, Float Tube Tarpon, Big Trout on Tiny Flies

Dave Jensen solves the puzzle of fishing button hooks.  Nicklas Sorensen lands a giant sea run brown. Geoff Vukelich owns his past. Rosenbauer talks small stream tactics. And more...

INSIDE THE BOX: Scott unboxes an Epic Ready-to-Wrap Graphite Rod Kit.

ONLY A FEW LEFT! A limited number of John Gierach's new book "Dumb Luck and the Kindness of Strangers" -- signed by the author! Great Father's or Mother's Day gift!

Coastal Fly Fishing for Sea Run Brown Trout: Bornholm, Denmark
“Bigotry to Brook Trout: A Watershed Moment”
Tapam – A Fly Fishing Journey (Full Film)
How To: Fly Fishing Small Streams
“Fly Fishing with Friends” (Humor)
Inside the Box: Episode #47 - Epic Ready-to-Wrap Graphite Rod Kit
“Big Browns on Small Flies”
Maine Brook Trout Fishing
“NZ Lockdown Lifted! Epic Fly Fishing For Big Trout”
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