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Emerging Market Equities

While emerging market stocks typically make up a small slice of an investor’s overall allocation, that situation may be changing.

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Popular Part of Client Portfolios

Nearly nine in ten advisors now say that their clients have exposure to emerging markets in their portfolios.

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The Growing Role of Emerging
Market Equities

Financial advisors are shifting their strategies around emerging markets equities to help clients better take advantage of the potential growth opportunities.

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Exposure is Rising

The past five years have marked a period of growth for emerging market allocations—and advisors expect that momentum to continue.

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Evolving Opportunities

The growing opportunities among emerging markets equities are leading some advisors to rethink their investment approaches.

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A Regional Approach
As familiarity with emerging markets grows, advisors are more inclined to view entities more as a collection of distinct regions.

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Seeking Expert Guidance

Getting accurate information on emerging markets can be difficult, forcing advisors to approach equity allocations with caution.

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