Yoast SEO for WordPress training, free tutorial videos, review your webshop and internal site structure

Brand new Yoast SEO video tutorials!

Do you want to know how to benefit most of the Yoast SEO plugin? We have great news for you! Joost has made a series of Yoast SEO plugin tutorials for every tab on every page of the Yoast SEO configuration pages. A playlist of a total of 33 screencasts is available for free for all of our users!

Read more about our free screencasts! »
Free screencast from our Yoast SEO for WordPress training
Tools: Bulk Editor Tab 
Next week, we will launch our Yoast SEO for WordPress training! Next to the video turotials, this training will contain indepht instructional videos, challenging questions and a Yoast certificate!

Read more about this Yoast SEO for WordPress training »

Optimize your webshop

When you own an online shop, there are some important questions you should ask yourself. Do you know your (international) market well enough? And is your email marketing strategy optimized?  
Our website reviews can be a great help when it comes to optimizing your webshop. Over the years, we've learned a lot from reviewing websites. Our Gold review can be very powerful for your site's conversion and traffic. For example, the traffic of Lisa League's site increased over 60% with the help of a Gold review!
If you want to optimize your webshop to the fullest, our site reviews can be a great help! If you fill in SHOP2016REVIEW in the checkout, you'll benefit a $50 discount on your review! This discount ends within 24 hours, so start optimizing today!
Get a $50 discount on a site review for your webshop! »

SMX Munich

Last week, Joost, Annelieke and Jaro were joining SMX Munich! There were many interesting talks and fun people to meet! Thanks Munich, see you next year! :)

Blog SEO eBook tip: linking structure

"Your linking structure is of great importance. Each page in the top of a pyramid should link to its subpages. And vice versa, all the subpages should link to the pages on top of the pyramid. There should be really important content (cornerstone articles) at the top of your pyramid, and these should be the articles you link to from all of your blog posts."

Read more tips in our brand new Blog SEO eBook, now available for our newsletter readers for only $15 instead of $25!

Get our Blog SEO eBook now for only $15! »
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