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Discover New Climate Grants and Connect with Donors in a Tap!
The International Funders are looking for highly-impactful climate projects that can make a real difference in the communities.

✔️Does your project have the potential to create a better sustainable environment?
✔️Is your project empowering communities with new ways to deal with climate change?
✔️Are you expanding public participation and bringing marginalized voices into decision-making to create climate-focused policies?
✔️Are you developing scalable approaches to conserving and using biodiversity that delivers climate solutions?
✔️Does your project focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions?
Grant Initiatives for Grassroots NGOs/Organisations with Community-based Projects addressing Localized Problems

Do you know, some donors are willing to fund grassroots NGOs/Organisations? The main reason is that grassroots’ projects are more localized and closely related to the community’s needs, culture, and context. Moreover, it is easier for the funders to partner with these NGOs. We have created a list of funding opportunities that are a good fit for your NGO and will help you move forward toward fundraising success.
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UNESCO Funding Opportunities for NGOs and individuals going beyond the Borders and Empowering Communities

UNESCO offers a unique platform for NGOs and individuals going beyond the borders and voicing their concerns about the emergencies our global Heritage is facing. It also allows them to protect the Heritage and cultural sites, respond to the challenges, and unite and empower local communities.
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