In this issue, February 4, 2020 View it in your browser.

Hyper-Observability, ONNX, How Twitter Improves Resource Usage, Rust, Swift, Ballerina, C# Primary Constructors, Electron, React Native at Shopify, Kafka at Deutsche Bahn

Learn how other software professionals overcame the same problems you have and take action!

The proposed tracks at QCon New York 2020 (June 15-19) are meant to help you learn how software leaders have pushed the boundaries and have taken software development to a whole new level. Microservices, Java, and Performance are just some of the topics covered. Discover the rest.



Free Scrum Learning Paths

Continue your professional learning with our free online learning paths. These learning paths are targeted by role including: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team Member and Leadership.

Greg Law on Debugging, Record & Replay of Data, and Hyper-Observability

In this podcast, Daniel Bryant discussed with Greg Law, CTO at Undo, the challenges with debugging modern software systems, the need for “hyper-observability” and the benefit of being able to record and replay exact application execution. (Podcast)

Steve Persch on Open Source Communities and Tough Challenges in Technical Leadership

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Steve Persch of Panthion about supporting open source communities and leading technical teams. (Podcast)

Microsoft Open-Sources ONNX Acceleration for BERT AI Model

Microsoft's Azure Machine Learning team recently open-sourced their contribution to the ONNX Runtime library for improving the performance of the natural language processing (NLP) model BERT. With the optimizations, the model's inference latency on the SQUAD benchmark sped up 17x. (News)



Getting Started with NoSQL and Apache Cassandra™

If you’re a data architect, data scientist, or application developer familiar with relational databases, this guide provides an opportunity to learn how to sharpen your skills, with advice from the foremost experts in distributed database technology, so you can swiftly migrate to Apache Cassandra™ and build the next generation of powerful applications.


  1. Amazon Updates the Elastic File System Service with New Features: IAM Authorization and Access Point

  2. How Twitter Improves Resource Usage with a Deterministic Load Balancing Algorithm

  3. Yelp Open-Sources Fuzz-Lightyear

  4. CRI-O Infrastructure and Application Monitoring Now Supported by Instana

  5. Keeping Credentials Safe, Google Introduces Cloud Secret Manager

Privacy Architecture for Data-Driven Innovation

This article lays out how you build an internal data governance architecture early in the ingestion phase, which enables you to allocate risk to data and identify such data in your systems. You can then protect the data accordingly. The second half of this article lays out various techniques to share data in a privacy-conscious manner. (Article)

Programming the Cloud: Empowering Developers to Do Infrastructure

Luke Hoban looks at some of the leading solutions across various different domains - from serverless to static websites to Kubernetes to infrastructure as code - to highlight areas where developers are starting to take ownership of cloud infrastructure more directly. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 2-4, 2020. Join us!

Pack to the Future: Cloud-Native Buildpacks on k8s

Joe Kutner and Emily Casey discuss how to use the pack CLI to go from source to image and patch a pod. (Presentation)

Incident Management in the Age of DevOps & SRE

Damon Edwards takes a look at the techniques that high-performing operations organizations are using to finally transform how they identify, mobilize, and respond to incidents. (Presentation with transcript included)



7 Steps to ChatOps for Enteprise Teams

Everything you need to know about setting up ChatOps at your organization. Download now.


  1. Npm, Inc. Announces Npm Pro for Independent JavaScript Developers

  2. Rust Moving towards an IDE-Friendly Compiler with Rust Analyzer

IBM Stops Work on Swift — Q&A with Chris Bailey

IBM has recently discontinued its involvement in Server-side Swift development, which started soon after Swift was open-sourced, and relinquished its leadership in the Swift Server Work Group [SSWG]. InfoQ has talked to IBM's Chris Bailey to learn more about what this may imply for Swift and the Swift community. (News)


  1. The Java EE Guardians Rebrand as the Jakarta EE Ambassadors

  2. Ballerina - An Open Source JVM Language and Platform for Cloud-Era Application Programmers

  3. Sonatype Disables Unencrypted Access to Maven

Reactor: The New Power Source for PayPal's JVM Framework

Anil Gursel and Rick Hogge share the technical journey for moving PayPal engineers from a JAX-RS imperative programming model to a reactive stack. (Presentation)

Java 8 LTS to the Latest - a Performance & Responsiveness Perspective

Monica Beckwith and Anil Kumar discuss Java JDK 8u LTS to the latest JDK 13 major changes as well as impact on performance and responsiveness to backported JDK 11u LTS. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. C# Static Analysis Tool Roslynator.Analyzers Now Has over 500 Ways to Improve Code

  2. Large Collection Performance in Entity Framework and EF Core

  3. Microsoft Announces Experimental gRPC-web Support for .NET

  4. C# Futures: Primary Constructors

Entity Framework Debugging Using SQL Server: A Detective Story

Chris Woodruff takes a look at database server configurations using MSSQL database profiling tools and understanding Query Execution Plans to get the most out of Entity Framework. (Presentation)


  1. IoT Development with the Raspberry Pi

  2. Microsoft Announces Playwright Alternative to Puppeteer

  3. Web Packaging Proposal to Enable Offline Distribution, Installation and Usage of PWAs and Websites

Electron Desktop JavaScript Framework Finds a New Home

At the Node+JS Interactive conference in Montreal, the OpenJS Foundation announced that the Electron framework has joined the foundation. Electron is a popular cross-platform desktop application development tool based on Node.js and Chromium. (News)


  1. React Native is the Way to Go for Mobile App Development at Shopify

NativeScript Replaces JavaScriptCore with V8 for iOS Apps

NativeScript new JavaScript runtime for iOS, based on Google's V8 engine, is now in beta, after several months of development. This change should bring reduced app startup time as well as simplify NativeScript's development process. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Experience Using Event Streams, Kafka and the Confluent Platform at Deutsche Bahn

  2. The Distributed Data Mesh as a Solution to Centralized Data Monoliths

  3. Modular Monolithic Architecture, Microservices and Architectural Drivers

  4. Change Data Capture Tool Debezium 1.0 Final Released

Chassis and AppFactory: Accelerate Development of Cloud-Native Microservices for Enterprises

Michelle Zhang and Maan Mehta discuss two tools they built at Scotiabank -Chassis and AppFactory- to improve developer productivity and experience, and enforce best practices and architecture governance. (Presentation)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Simulating Agile Strategies with the Lazy Stopping Model

  2. Lessons on the Competencies of Coaching from Spotify and ICAgile

Data-Driven Decision Making – Product Management with Hypotheses

The Data-Driven Decision Making Series provides an overview of how the three main activities in the software delivery - Product Management, Development and Operations - can be supported by data-driven decision making. In Product Management, hypotheses can be used to steer the effectiveness of product decisions about feature prioritization. (Article)

Using OKRs to Build Autonomous Impact Teams

To focus on outcomes rather than outputs, Meilleurs Agents uses the Objective and Key Results framework to align the whole company on what they want to achieve. Christopher Parola and Nicolas Baron gave a presentation at FlowCon France 2019 where they showed how they implemented the OKR method and turned their product and tech teams into impact teams. (Article)

Three Key Success Factors for Improving Test Automation Outcomes

Test automation is crucial in the DevOps world and vitally important even if not taking a DevOps approach and good test automation requires careful thought and design from the architecture onward. Tests need to be fully automated, and that automation needs to be stable; no test cases should fail for reasons other than issues in the system(s) under test. (Article)

Research Is Not Just for the UX Team

Amanda Stockwell overviews the key goals and methodologies of user research, and provides tips on how to select the best method, and advice on how to craft research plans the best way to get the desired information. (Presentation)

Turbulence or Tranquility

Rob Keefer presents seven principles that promote peace of mind, providing a framework for discovering new processes and practices that will improve team productivity, communication, and performance. (Presentation)

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Bloated Bureaucracy or an Enabler for Business Agility?

Almudena Rodriguez Pardo takes a closer look at various scaling methods, and defines what SAFe is and what it is not, examining some of the key arguments which are polarizing the Agile community. (Presentation)

Mapping as a Sensemaking Practice within Digital Ecosystems

Roser Pujadas discusses maps and how to use Wardley maps as tools to have a social impact. (Presentation)

Collaborative Contract-Driven Development

Billy Korando discusses Contract-Driven Development to improve collaborations between teams working on the same project. (Presentation)

Shifting Left with Cloud Native CI/CD

Christie Wilson describes what to expect from CI/CD in 2019, and how Tekton is helping bring that to as many tools as possible, such as Jenkins X and Prow. Wilson talks about Tekton itself and performs a live demo that shows how cloud native CI/CD can help debug, surface and fix mistakes faster. (Presentation with transcript included)

CI/CD for Machine Learning

Sasha Rosenbaum shows how a CI/CD pipeline for Machine Learning can greatly improve both productivity and reliability. (Presentation with transcript included)