Good morning, Marketer, may your aim always be true.

Where would we be without the spreadsheet? In 1979 the introduction of VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet for personal computers, transformed microcomputers from something for hobbyists to a business must have. Since then there have been a lot of very good, very successful products designed to improve and replace them. Even so, 77% of respondents in our Salary and Career survey said spreadsheets are the tool they spend most time with. We’d like to know why. We’re running a very brief poll to find out and would really appreciate your help.

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

HubSpot’s June releases: The manager’s guide

Free CMS, revenue goal sharing, email open rates adjusted for iOS 15.

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Using AI to improve customer experience and customer journey orchestration

Instead of depending on segments to drive messages and experiences, AI tailors to individual customers at scale.

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How to tell a story with data and elevate your client reporting

Stories sell — whether you’re explaining a product or a data set. Learning how to tell a story with data is an important skill for proving your agency’s value.

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MarTech Replacement Survey: Which features are important to marketers?

It's no surprise marketers looked for better features when choosing new solutions. But which features were front of mind?

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Moving from basic to advanced marketing analytics

Explore the four phases of the maturity curve that companies ascend as they build out their marketing analytics capabilities.

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Google offers adtech unit changes to fend off antitrust lawsuit

The Justice Department is believed to want much more significant changes.

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Are you still using spreadsheets to manage your work? Take our poll

Do manual processes such as inputting data to spreadsheets still play a big role in your working life?

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Email marketing is continually developing. Are you keeping up?

External factors like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email mean that marketers continually need to adapt. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date.

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Marketing attribution: What it is, and how it identifies vital customer touchpoints

Here's why marketers need to know which channels and events contribute most to the bottom line.

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Your hard work deserves recognition: Enter the 2022 Search Engine Land Awards now!

Earn new business, boost company morale, showcase your amazing work, and enjoy well-deserved praise from the search marketing community. Submit your application by this Friday, July 15, to lock in Early Bird savings — $100 off per entry!

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