New in 2020.12: Real-time reports and scheduled data snapshotsThis is our last release for 2020 and we’re rolling out a new major reporting feature! Introducing real-time reports and scheduled snapshots. This new feature can help security admins and home users who remotely manage security for friends and family, spot potentially harmful behavior in their managed networks — and stay one step ahead of potential attacks.
Real-time Reports You now have a report that shows all security-related activities that have occurred in your workspace over the past 30 days (or any other date range you wish to set).
Scheduled Snapshots You can schedule reports to generate snapshots of a certain point in time, such as the end of the week, month or year.
Report Customization You can create as many reports as you need and freely edit the included sections to your specifications, as well as the selected time period.
Read our blog post to learn more about our new reporting feature and other updates in this release.
We wish you a nice malware-free day!