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The Chronicle of Higher Education
Preparing for Tough Conversations:
How to Set the Stage for Major Change on Your Campus

How do you break bad news to faculty members, alumni, and students without crushing morale? How can a president introduce an academic rethink and get buy-in from skeptics? How can a leader shepherd change that truly transforms? The tough conversations that arise in higher education are never easy— they take forethought, careful planning, and strong campus relationships. 

In the latest Chronicle issue brief, Preparing for Tough Conversations: How to Set the Stage for Major Change on Your Campus, explore strategies for approaching sensitive topics and leading difficult dialogues. While tough workplace conversations are rarely enjoyable, meaningful and productive talks are more likely to result in positive institutional outcomes.

Get the issue brief and learn how to:

  • Develop strong relationships that will help you establish credibility
  • Collect and analyze data to make the case for change and navigate shared governance
  • Implement strategies for communicating your vision and getting buy-in from campus skeptics
  • Anticipate conflict while providing constant communication to all stakeholders
  • Frame a crisis as an opportunity to bring about positive transformation
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