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Writer's Digest University
Perfecting Submission Materials
Agents get literally thousands of submissions a year, including query letters, sample pages, and synopses. Of those thousands, they request a full manuscript from few and offer representation to even fewer.

Think of your submission package as a job application for your book. You not only want to apply to the right people, the ones who have a passion for the books you write, but you want to present your book in such a way that they will easily see what your book has to offer. This live Writers Digest boot camp will teach you how to put together a dynamic yet professional submission package that will show agents you take your potential author career seriously and make them want to read your work.

In this boot camp from Fuse Literary Agency, attendees will learn how to put together a short yet effective query letter, a one- to two-page book synopsis (fiction), and a nonfiction book proposal. They'll also learn some best practices for submitting their query, pages, and synopsis and/or proposal to agents.

Each attendee will have the opportunity to interact one-on-one with an agent and receive a valuable critique of ten pages of their work in any combination: query letter, manuscript pages, synopsis, or proposal.


On Tuesday, October 24 you will gain access to a 60-minute workshop led by literary agents Jennifer Chen Tran, Tricia Skinner, Michelle Richter, and Carlisle Webber. This workshop will show you what agents expect from your submission package and how you can shape it to fit their needs

After listening to the presentation, attendees will spend the next two days revising materials as necessary. Following the tutorial, writers will have two days in which to log onto the discussion boards and ask your assigned agent critiquer questions related to revising your materials. The agents will be available for a discussion session from 1-3 p.m. (PT) on Wednesday, October 25 and from 3-5 p.m. (PT) on Thursday, October 26. By end of day (11:59 p.m., PT) on Friday, October 27 , attendees will submit up to 10 double-spaced pages for review to their assigned agents. These pages can include any combination of a double-spaced query, synopsis, book proposal, or pages of their manuscript.

The agents will spend three weeks reviewing all assigned pages, provide relevant feedback and offer suggestions to help attendees improve upon them. The agents reserve the right to request more materials if they feel a strong connection to the work and want to read more.

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Margaret Bail has a BA in English and an MFA in Creative and Professional Writing. With years of experience editing manuscripts, as well as teaching university-level English and writing, she looks forward to working closely with new and established authors to help develop their voice and craft. Margaret is interested in adult fiction in the genres of romance (no Christian or inspirational, please), science fiction (soft sci-fi rather than hard), mystery, thrillers, action adventure, historical fiction (not a fan of WWII era), and fantasy. In nonfiction, Margaret is interested in memoirs with a unique hook, and cookbooks with a strong platform.Fiction genres Margaret is NOT interested in: YA, MG, children's books; steampunk, Christian/religious literature, chick lit, women's fiction, literary, poetry, screenplays.

Emily S. Keyes joined Fuse Literary in 2013 after working as an agent at the L. Perkins Agency for 2 years. Before entering the world of agenting, she worked in the contracts department of Simon & Schuster, Inc and graduated from New York University's Center for Publishing. She uses her knowledge of contracts, copyright and the publishing business to benefit her clients and the Foreword team.Emily is also looking for a select list of commercial fiction which includes fantasy & science fiction, women's fiction, new adult fiction, along with pop culture and humor titles. She is not looking for poetry, short stories, picture books or anything that is "publishable" and not amazing.

Tricia Skinner was raised in Detroit, Michigan. She obtained her undergraduate degree from the nationally acclaimed Journalism Institute for Media Diversity at Wayne State University and earned her graduate degree from Southern Methodist University. As an agent, Tricia wants to represent authors who reflect diversity and cultures in their work. She specializes in Adult, Young Adult and Middle Grade. Stories with romance or strong romantic elements are high on my wish list. I prefer stories with building sexual tension and believable attraction. I do consider stories without romance (but it's not my favorite thing). I'm interested in Adult and Young Adult.

Gordon Warnock is a founding partner at Fuse Literary, serving as a literary agent and Editorial Director of Short Fuse Publishing. He brings years of experience as a senior agent, marketing director, editor for independent publishers, publishing consultant, and author coach. He frequently teaches workshops and gives keynote speeches at conferences and MFA programs nationwide. Click here for a full list of Gordon's interests >>

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