After several months of development, the new marycrowley.org website is now live, including a new and improved Clinical Trial Finder. The website includes a Blog, Careers Section and much more. Be sure to check it out!

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Our Updates

Fichtenbaum Trust Grant

The Fichtenbaum Charitable Trust has awarded Mary Crowley with a $50,000 grant for combination therapy clinical trials.

Event Watch: Runway for Hope

View an update and photos from Mary Crowley Cancer Research's recent philanthropic event, Runway for Hope.

Diversity in Cancer Clinical Trial Participation

Learn about ethnically and language concordant clinical trial educational intervention to increase diversity in cancer clinical trial participation.

Event Watch: Pushing Hope

View an update and photos from Mary Crowley Cancer Research's recent philanthropic event, Pushing Hope.

Message from a Board Member

Vince Bush, MCCR Board Member

It is unfortunately common to hear that someone we know, whether it be a spouse, family member, friend, colleague, or neighbor, has received a cancer diagnosis. We are aware of the usual methods of treatment, such as chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, each of which has its benefits, but also invasive and tiring.

However, serving on the board of Mary Crowley Cancer Research (MCCR), I have gained knowledge that I believe every cancer patient should be aware of...


Breakthrough in the Treatment of Locally Advanced or Metastatic KRASG12C & Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

In December 2022, the FDA approved the treatment of adult patients with KRASG12C mutated locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with adagrasib (Krazati), becoming the 20th drug approval at MCCR.

This breakthrough in the treatment of NSCLC was possible from the KRYSTAL-1 phase1-1b study of adagrasib which demonstrated promising results.

The KRAS protein is part of a cell signaling pathway which stimulates cell growth and proliferation. In cancers with the KRASG12C mutation, the KRAS protein is hyperactive, leading to uncontrolled cell growth. Adagrasib combats this by binding to the KRAS protein and inhibiting its activity, causing tumor cell shrinkage and death...


Dr. Minal Barve,

Executive Medical Director

FDA Grants Accelerated Approval to

Futibatinib for Cholangiocarcinoma

Dr. James Strauss,

Clinical Scientific Director

The recent FDA approval for futibatinib was based on a clinical study that was opened in our clinic at Mary Crowley Cancer Research.

The drug tested was designed to inhibit an abnormal growth signal that occurs in some cases of a cancer called intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. This cancer is a tumor of the bile ducts within the liver. The tumor is difficult to detect in its early stages. Advanced or metastatic tumors of this type are treated with chemotherapy but usually become resistant...


Mary Crowley depends on donors like you. Your gift directly impacts cancer patients in need of innovative clinical trials.

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