New MMWR Defining Moments Podcast: Dr. Harold Jaffe revisits the AIDS Epidemic Pneumocystis Pneumonia -- Los Angeles 1981

Dr. Harold Jaffe revisits the AIDS Epidemic Pneumocystis Pneumonia -- Los Angeles 1981MMWR is pleased to present the latest in its Defining Moments in MMWR History podcast series: The AIDS Epidemic Pneumocystis Pneumonia -- Los Angeles 1981.

In this new podcast, Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, Editor-in-Chief of MMWR, interviews Dr. Harold Jaffe, a member of the original CDC Task Force assigned to study what became known as human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. Dr. Jaffe previously held a number of leadership positions at CDC, including directing the National Center for HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis Prevention, and most recently, serving as CDCs Associate Director for Science. Dr. Jaffe shares his first-hand account of CDCs investigation into this mysterious new disease.

The Defining Moments in MMWR History podcast series highlights the leading role that MMWR has played in reporting historic public health events.

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