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Friday, October 23, 2020



Navigate COVID-19 with Telehealth, Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Interoperability.

While gloves and masks are already a norm, social distancing may be the greatest barrier to patient care that the health industry has faced to date. Chronic care management, hospice, episodic post-surgery care and others are depending heavily on technology to take care of their patients and clinical staff. This guide will help you to understand the changing healthcare landscape scarred by COVID-19 and how you need to react to stay on top of things. You will learn how to leverage technology to combat this new post-COVID-19 landscape.


Private Duty

CDC Issues Guidance on Isolation, Precautions for COVID-19
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently issued new guidance titled “Duration of Isolation and Precautions for Adults with COVID-19.” The guidance is noteworthy for employers. Previously, the CDC had generally indicated that individuals could potentially return to work following a positive test after spending 14 days in isolation and being fever-free …

Skilled Nursing Facility

Average SNF operating margin at zero for third consecutive year
A recent annual benchmark report found that SNF margins in FY 2019 remained at zero for the third year in a row. The report also found a correlation between a SNFs star rating and its operating margin. In 2019, SNFs with an overall stat rating of 1 or 2 had margins below zero, while facilities …

Featured Product

New Podcast: HIPAA Refresher, Addressing COVID and other concerns

With us today is Joan Usher, a nationally recognized expert in the field of health information management. Find her at jluhealth.com. Today, we’ll be talking about HIPAA, the public health emergency, how to handle staff COVID testing in a HIPAA-compliant way, and more.


Listen and subscribe on iTunes Connect, Spotify, or SoundCloud.


Home Health

Home health owners to pay back $3.1 million to state Medicaid program
A home health care company and its owners must “pay back $3.1 M to resolve allegations that they falsely billed the state’s Medicaid Program (MassHealth),” according to an October 16, 2020, press release from attorney general Maura Healey. Altranais Home Care, LLC (Altranais) of Lowell, Mass. is expected to repay the money to resolve …

Private Duty

Managing Mental Health During Trying Times
The internet and social media are full of memes, statuses, personal stories, and other commentary lamenting and marveling at the craziness of 2020. Many of these point out that we’re not even done with this chaotic year! One of the biggest changes to normal life facing millions of Americans in 2020 is the sudden shift …

PPS Alert for Long-Term Care

Mental illness in older adults

Mental health problems are common among older adults, the chronically ill or disabled, and the poor. Since people with mental illness can demonstrate many symptoms, we often do not recognize the signs. As a result, many people do not receive the medications or treatments that might help. Caregivers should learn how to recognize common mental illnesses and how to care for residents who are affected by them.


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Coronavirus fears at work: What employers need to know to stay protected

What SNFs need to be doing right now to deal with COVID-19

CMS releases Five Star Quality Rating updates and FAQ for SNFs


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