What does it take to build high level business case competency in the real business groups? Training? Good templates and software? Directives?  

Business Case Competency: It's an Objective

"We are going to stop making bad decisions and we are going to stop now!"

It sounds like the voice of a leader who is decisive and impulsive by nature. And, it sounds like the overdue response of a manager burned one time too many by a direct report. Or, it sounds like a reaction due to an ultimatum from the boss. In any case, the goal and the urgency were clear: "I announced this morning that we are going to stop making bad decisions and we are going to stop now!"

Business case competency for the organization resides in the skills and the knowledge of individuals.

The group's business case competency resides in the skills and the knowledge of its people.

This was in fact a Senior Vice President at a US Fortune 100 company.  who had just phoned to ask what it would take to build establish good business case practice in his company. Certainly, he was feeling the pain from a long history of costly bad decisions.

Read the full article  Business Case Competency online

A Real, Long Term Solution

The Senior Vice President was not talking about the next proposal needing support. And he was not thinking about about just one or two individuals needing business case skills. Read more of this post