‘We today are presented with a simple choice: will we live as friends, as brothers and sisters, as Beloved Community, or will we be subsumed under the rising waters of chaos?….

This Anglican Communion is the third-largest Christian body on the planet. Surely we can do it. I’ve seen us work together and with our friends of other faiths and no faith at all. I’ve seen us intervene and provide education, recovery and healing following climate-based tragedies across this globe. We can maintain a vigorous and effective commitment, and empower Anglicans everywhere to undertake bold action to mitigate and reverse climate change…….

‘We can do this. I know because I saw people of every nation, faith, age and race move to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux as they struggled to turn back a pipeline that threatened their sacred lands and their water supply. And I saw the Episcopal Church flag at the front of that procession. When crowds chanted “Mni Wiconi” (water is life), Episcopalians chanted with full voice because we have been given new life in Jesus Christ through the waters of baptism. Yes, water is life. Yes, we should honor it.’ 
Most Reverend Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church

Read the full letter