500 Reformation

Thursday, 23 February 2017

The day starts at 10am with a seminar in St Edward King & Martyr with keynote address by the Rt Revd and Rt Hon Lord Williams of Oystermouth, responses from younger Lutheran and Anglican theologians, and open discussion with all participants.

Later, a presentation at Parker Library, Corpus Christi about contemporary manuscripts, letters and published books, followed by a lecture on the key areas of Reformation interests in Cambridge and local historical perspectives.

The story mobile will be open all day to the public and will, among other things, feature an interactive exhibition,concert, storytelling and more.

The day concludes at King's College Chapel with evensong inspired by Bach Vespers where the King's Choir will be joined by the London German Choir to sing Bach cantatas accompanied by the City Bach Collective, and the sermon will be preached by a visiting Bishop from Germany.

Read more and sign up for the seminar in St Edward King & Martyr here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reformation-then-and-now-tickets-28522580807