Some project managers see the business case simply as a tool for securing project authorization and funding. A well-written business case has substantial additional value that experienced project managers have, including the knowledge of how to exploit throughout the project lifecycle.

Business Case Results include cash flow forecasts for inflows, outflows, and risks

Business case results include forecast cash inflows, outflows, and risks. Results analysis has financial metrics and KPI impacts. A compelling rationale turns business case results into convincing business case proof: the recommended action is a sound business decision.

A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

Very few business cases built today qualify as principle driven cases. A principle driven case manifests in short, concise documents that don’t need exhaustive descriptions to take into account every eventuality. Case building with a principle driven approach is efficient,  and case usage is clear and straightforward. And, principle driven cases have proven uniquely effective in improving project performance and delivering business value for the organization.

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