The costs of professional training are usually determined easily. However, finding, measuring, and valuing training returns can be a challenge.

The value of professional training and training ROI (return on investment) are notoriously difficult to measure.

Can You Measure Professional Training ROI?

Many business people discover just how difficult it is to measure training ROI when faced with an imperative such as this:

Show management in credible terms that training is financially justified and that training has a good return on investment—or face a reduced training budget!

  • The good news is that training value can indeed be measured objectively, quantitatively, and credibly, including value to the organization and value to the trainee.
  • The other-than-good news is that putting effective training measurement in place takes time and effort.

Read the full story "Return on Investment for Training" online.

By Marty Schmidt. Copyright © 2004-2016.
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