2 weeks to strength

Dear Yogi,

Happy September!

The time of year has arrived when - hopefully more refreshed and relaxed after a break - you’re feeling more motivated and ready to return to your routine or start something new.

So, with that in mind, why not join our new program - 2 Weeks to Strength - and kick off September feeling strong, toned, flexible and ready to take on the world (or at least the month!)

Esther has handpicked her favourite strength-building classes (and filmed a new class as a bonus!), combining Yoga, Pilates and Mixed Movement to give you a well-rounded experience.

Join us on September 2nd to kickstart your post-holiday routine!


The EkhartYoga team.

♡ 13 - 19 October 2024: Retreat with Tashi Dawa in Sardinia
Invite a burst of fresh energy and delight in the natural bliss and healing power of practice together.

♡ 1 - 7 February 2025: Bali Retreat with Esther Ekhart and Tracey Cook
A transformative retreat, where gentle movement, meditation, and self-inquiry await, offering a deeper connection to your essence and the world around you.

“Dear Tashi, that was grounding and wonderful. You are really such a gift to yoga teaching and the world, your magic just shines out. It is indeed a pleasure to be alive on the same planet. Thank you.”

~ Emma on Tashi’s class: Develop your personal power

Om yoga awards