Mergers and Acquisitions in India
Mergers and Acquisitions in India
In this latest issue of India Briefing Magazine, we analyze the latest merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in India, including hot sectors for deals and trends shaping future developments, most prominently the role of digital disruptors and startup unicorns. This issue also walks readers through the regulatory landscape governing India’s M&A ecosystem and provides a guide to relevant technical procedures and compliances to successfully navigate the deal-making process in the country.

In the rapidly transforming business landscape, C-suite executives are developing agile and adaptable techniques to embrace new disruptive business realities through acquisitions, amalgamations, and fundraising. Such considerations have exponentially spurred merger and acquisition (M&A) deal activity, both in India and worldwide. Consequently, despite economic headwinds, 598 deals valued at US$112.07 billion took place in 2021 in India.


The COVID-19 pandemic also facilitated this growth in deal activity as it gave rise to several multi-sector digital disruptors in finance, retail, technology, logistics, etc. Other enabling factors include the convergence of mobility and digital commerce, the metaverse, and virtual evolution of services, such as for health and wellness. The 2022-23 M&A outlook for India is thus pivoted towards future growth engines like digital, renewables, electric vehicles, Healthtech, FinTech, etc. where alongside large corporations, startup unicorns are also becoming major acquirers.

Finding an Ideal Location – Utilizing Vietnam’s Economic Regions
Finding an Ideal Location – Utilizing Vietnam’s Economic Regions
Vietnam has long established itself as a favorable destination for investors wanting to diversify their Asia presence. In recent years, this decision has appealed to many businesses dealing with trade shocks and border closures associated with the pandemic. In this issue of Vietnam Briefing, we discuss the importance of finding the right location for investors and factors investors should consider when evaluating potential sites for investment.
Investing in Green and Low-Carbon China
Investing in Green and Low-Carbon China
China’s transition to a green, low-carbon, and circular economy will have far-reaching socioeconomic, industrial, and business impact as economic and consumption behavior will be directly related to the country’s progress on tackling climate change and environmental degradation.
Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support
Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support
Vietnam’s digital economy has seen significant growth over the last decade and is expected to be valued at US$57 billion by 2025. The country’s digital transformation is well underway and accelerated by the pandemic as businesses consider the possibilities of a virtual world having experienced sudden and overwhelming restrictions on physical mobility.

For any questions regarding these publications, syndication opportunities, or business questions and enquiries, please contact Rohini Singh.


Rohini Singh
Content Manager
Dezan Shira & Associates
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