Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Thailand
Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Thailand
In this issue of ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the incorporation process in Thailand and highlight the most favorable entity types for foreign investors. We then explore how foreign businesses can benefit from Thailand’s fiscal and non-fiscal incentives before finally focusing on the investment opportunities available in key industries.

Thailand, with its population of around 66 million (of which 30 percent are between the ages of five and 24 years) is the second largest economy in ASEAN. Its strategic location in the center of ASEAN means it has access to the bloc’s 600 million consumers within a 3,000km radius, bringing vast opportunities for cross border trade and investments.


Thailand is one of three top export bases in ASEAN for motor vehicles, parts and accessories, agricultural products, and chemical products, among others. Yet, despite its strong manufacturing base, the country presents ample opportunities for foreign investors, particularly in sectors that engage in higher-value industries.


In this issue of ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the incorporation process in Thailand and highlight the most favorable entity types for foreign investors. We then explore how foreign businesses can benefit from Thailand’s fiscal and non-fiscal incentives before finally focusing on the investment opportunities available in key industries.

Investing in India's Healthcare Sector: Opportunities and Enabling Policies
Investing in India's Healthcare Sector: Opportunities and Enabling Policies
In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we provide readers with an overview of India’s healthcare ecosystem, major trends in the domestic healthcare market, and scope for rising business value segments like medical tourism and e-pharmacy. We also look closer into the role played by high-tech innovation in overcoming long-standing constraints that have prevented the healthcare infrastructure from being able to serve large portions of the Indian population.
Opportunities in Indonesia’s Special Economic Zones
Opportunities in Indonesia’s Special Economic Zones
In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of Indonesia’s special economic zones and explore the tax incentives available. Finally, we discuss choosing the ideal location in Indonesia’s SEZs by highlighting select zones.
China M&A Outlook: Trends and Strategies
China M&A Outlook: Trends and Strategies
China remains the world’s hottest market for several industries, with high prospects for growth, innovation, and investment. Alongside the optimistic outlook, there are some emerging market trends and regulatory developments that affect the scope, process, and structure of M&A deals. In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we discuss the market outlook, regulatory trends, and SME strategies for M&A in China.

For any questions regarding these publications, syndication opportunities, or business questions and enquiries, please contact Rohini Singh.


Rohini Singh
Content Manager
Dezan Shira & Associates
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