With the proliferation of video-first platforms and channels, marketers need insights and tactics to help them allocate budget and creative resources more than ever before. Add to that, marketers are searching for ways to make it easier to create video ads for each platform as well as different versions for audience-specific content with creative testing that aligns with what viewers on each platform expect. To help marketers gain some fresh traction on both imperative, this new tactical guide unpacks the steps successful marketers are taking to build their video advertising campaigns across channels and social media platforms. Packed with tips and insights, this guide will help set up teams for success in 2022 and beyond. Download it to learn more about: How to stand out with cut-through messaging on saturated platforms such as TikTokHow to navigate video ads on Facebook and Instagram amid privacy changes and format differencesHow to transition from social media video ads to CTV campaignsSponsored by QuickFrame. GET THE REPORT Share Tweet Share Forward