BrainHQ Exercises Shown to Improve Cognition
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Study: New Study on Brain Training and Multiple Sclerosis

Dear Voornaam,

Another wonderful independent study just published—this time, on our exercises and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Up to 70% of patients living with MS report cognitive issues. A group of researchers at NYU ran a 135-person study to see if remote administration of brain training could benefit patients. They selected BrainHQ exercises because of our emphasis on speed of processing—a signature deficit in MS patients.

Our brain training was tested against a comparison group playing computer games. Despite training about one-third fewer hours, the brain-training group had nearly three times the gain (with an average improvement in the overall cognitive composite score of about 29 percent).

Such results contribute to our plan to someday bring digital therapies to market to address diseases, after obtaining appropriate regulatory approvals.

Today, we’re proud to add these results to the more than 100 research papers showing positive effects of BrainHQ. As you might know, science is our passion, and we love nothing more than evidence that we’re on the right track!

If you’d like to learn more about the study, please read the press release or the FAQ.

Best regards,

Henry Mahncke
CEO, Posit Science

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