Hi John,

Happy new year to you and yours! I hope you are rested, and looking forward to a productive, enjoyable year of expanding your fundraising.

This year, I am all about setting clear intentions for what I want to achieve. How about you? It really helps to actually define your goals, and then say them out loud or write them down.

One of my big intentions for the year is to help more organizations raise more major gifts - that way I can help make the world a better place.

Soooo, to help you, I'm inviting you to join our free webinar on January 15th at 2pm eastern:

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Major Gift Program.

Find out more and register for the webinar here.

Yes it will be recorded.

If you want to expand and build out a robust major gift fundraising program for your nonprofit, then join us!

Kathryn Gamble and I will share how to create extraordinary fundraising growth through major gifts.

We'll be covering advanced concepts of successful major gift fundraising, and we'll particularly focus on building an organized structure to support an expansion of major gifts. We'll share advanced discovery and qualification skills you need to find the right prospects.

You'll discover:

  • 5 must-have elements for a great major gift program
  • The #1 thing you can do to make your fundraising grow quickly
  • Seven secrets to help qualify your donors so you can discover your wealthiest true believers
  • Strategies for overcoming organizational obstacles to major gift fundraising
  • The proper role of a board in major gift fundraising

Register here for the Ultimate Guide to Building a Major Gift Program webinar on January 15th at 2pm eastern

Do set an intention to join us on January 15th. Start out the new year with a strong focus on raising major gifts for your organization.

I know the donors and the money are all out there for you - you just need to be organized in order to go out and make it happen!

Here's to a happy, fun, productive new year!!


Looking for a Fundraising Consulting Firm?

If you want to expand fundraising or are considering a capital campaign, then we can help you reach and exceed your revenue targets.

Major Gifts Roadmap 2020 - Coaching Program

Are you and your team ready to ramp up your major gift fundraising game?

If you want the hands-on training, structure and support to fully expand major gifts for your organization, let me know.

Our 10 month coaching program for 2020 is already filling up. Find out more here!

Gail Perry

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1340 Environ Way Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517 United States (919) 821-3050