One of the reasons why advisors moving to independent channels was up 2.6% in 20211 is that 70% of them state they could make better use of their existing tech if they could find ways to bring it together more effectively.2 Enterprises that want to compete in the future must not only understand the importance of the advisor experience but prioritize improving it for the sake of retaining the talent by building and delivering an integrated, comprehensive wealth platform. In this white paper, we’ll discuss: - The current state of client expectations and advisor experiences
- Why future-focused enterprises will win
- What a fully unified enterprise solution looks like
- How enterprises can turn unified technology into a powerful recruitment and retention tool
1 “Advisors on the Move.” 25 Feb. 2022, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022. 2 Cerulli: Non-Ideal Clients Undermine Productivity.” 18 Mar. 2022, Accessed 31 Oct. 2022. Compliance code: 2278-OAT-12/5/2022 |