Set the intention to continually work on your wellness: body, mind, and spirit.

Dear Friends,

Thank you for another wonderful year together. It is my sincere honor to bring you inspiring and life-changing content each day. Thank you for your beautiful emails, notes, and comments. I appreciate them so very much.

As we all do this time of year, I reflect on what has been and look to the future for what comes next. Personally, I do not make New Year's resolutions, but I do set the intention to continually work on my wellness: body, mind, and spirit. I have a desire to go as deep as I can in my healing process to help not only myself but my family and the world as a whole. I know many of you feel the same.

We have selected five of our online courses that we feel would be beneficial to you now and throughout the year if you are interested.

A Year to Clear What's Holding You Back! by Stephanie Bennett Vogt. Over 135,000 people have taken this course so far! Stephanie delivers her slow-drip method for learning to let go over 365 days. The lessons are simple and not overwhelming at all, giving you time to digest what you are learning. Learn the five Ss of her program: slow down, simplify, sense, surrender, and self-care. Learn More

The Best Year of Your Life by Debbie Ford. This course is delivered once a week for a year and is written by the late great--and our dear friend--Debbie Ford. What a powerhouse Debbie was when she walked the Earth, and her work continues to be popular because it works. A few of the life-changing topics covered are learning to intercept self-sabotage, nurturing the child within, learning the gift of your shadow self, and becoming the person you want to be. Learn More

A Year to Get Rich with Purpose by Edward Vilga. This is another 365-day course that begins when you sign up; it's not based on a calendar year. Learn to redefine and reinvent your money "story" and reconnect with your purpose. Edward lives and breathes finances, so you will be in good hands with him. Learn More

End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping by Ellen Richter. In this 10-lesson course you will learn to perform EFT (emotional freedom technique, which is tapping on particular meridian points of your body). Ellen will guide you through a process to re-create your inner world and bust through subconscious blocks to success. You will also dissolve negative energy stored in your body, learn the law of attraction, and work to heal body-image issues. Learn More

How to Communicate Like a Buddhist by Cynthia Kane. This is another popular course, with almost 30,000 people learning to speak clearly and without anxiety. Over eight weeks you will also learn to respond rather than react, stay engaged when listening, and speak in a way that is kind, honest, and true. The part that I particularly love is learning to be comfortable with silence without needing to fill the space. Learn More

I hope one of these courses piques your interest. We try to offer something for everybody. Until next year I offer you my warm wishes. Be sure to check your inbox again tomorrow, January 1st, for another special message and an announcement!

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor
Cofounder, Editor-in-Chief