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September 30, 2022
Editor's Note

Help Contribute to IW's Manufacturing Day Coverage

As part of IndustryWeek's special coverage of Manufacturing Day on October 7, we're asking people like you -- people who love their manufacturing job -- to share your passion. For more information, click here!

In The Spotlight
To offset costs of EVs, New York governor Kathy Hochul announced further funding for a rebate program for purchasers and touted advances in the state's charging infrastructure.
Top Stories

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Three action steps you can take now to prevent problems downstream.
Empowerment is on display in every level of the organization.
One of IndustryWeek's four Best Plants 2022 winners, Protolabs Injection Molding Facility in Plymouth, Minnesota, boasts an end-to-end digital chain and rapid product turnaround.
Manufacturers of genetic sequencing equipment and Invisalign orthodontic devices, of robotic surgery machines and surgical sutures, landed in the medical-equipment category for 2022's IndustryWeek US 500. Click through the slideshow to see the Top 10. The accompanying table lists all 17 medical-equipment manufacturers that made this year's list, along...

Discover how one company built out a complete manufacturing operating system with no additional coding required, improving reliability and scalability, and reducing time to value.

Editor's Choice
Cleveland Cliffs CEO Lourenco Goncalves pays high wages and invests heavily in new technologies, and it's working for the company.