TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 16, 2017

Dutch Documentary Part II: Blood on Trump's and Kushner's Hands From Deals With Africa War Zone Diamond Mines

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Lev Leviev's diamond empire stretches from Angola to New York, Moscow and Amsterdam. READ MORE»

New Hampshire Republican Who Founded Woman-Hating Site Makes Outrageous Statements Validating Rape

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The state's Republican governor calls for his resignation. READ MORE»

Trump Demands Loyalty From Everyone, But Gives It to No One

By Paul Waldman, The American Prospect

Thus there is a loyalty crisis in the White House. READ MORE»

Cover-Ups and Russian Financial Ties Stand Out as Trump's Russia Scandal Keeps Getting Deeper

By Bob Cesca, Salon

At this point, campaign collusion might be the least of his problems. READ MORE»

Josh Fox's New Film Is Case Study in What Resistance Is All About

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

The "Gasland" director explains why resistance is the opposite of the empty values Donald Trump represents.  READ MORE»

Why 'Alt-Left' Is a Dumb Slur, But Left-Wing Populism Is the Future

By Bhaskar Sunkara, The Guardian

The label is meant to discredit us. But that won’t change the fact that left-wing populists speak to anti-system anger in a way that others don’t. READ MORE»

Neuroscientist Carl Hart and Activist Tony Papa: We Need to Stop Jeff Sessions from Escalating the Racist War on Drugs

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Even Rand Paul noted, "Mandatory minimum sentences have unfairly and disproportionately incarcerated too many minorities for too long." READ MORE»

The Pro-Charter Billionaires Vs. Bernie and the Progressives in the Priciest School Board Race in U.S. History

By Rachel M. Cohen, The American Prospect

In Tuesday’s LA election, the Walton family, Michael Bloomberg, and Eli Broad are on one side; parents, teachers and Bernie Sanders are on the other. READ MORE»

Bye Bye, Net Neutrality: The FCC Pretends, but Moves to Gut Current Policy

By Kit Walsh,

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has endorsed a proposal that dismantles net neutrality protections.  READ MORE»

The Depressing Reality of Mosul: The Planet Is Getting Flattened as One Ancient City After Another Is Destroyed

By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch

The world loses as destruction and mayhem know no bounds. READ MORE»

Arming the Kurds: Trump’s Syrian Gambit

By Patrick Cockburn, CounterPunch

Syrian Kurds are worried that, once Isis is defeated, the US will no longer need them. READ MORE»

How Unequal Voter Turnout and Vote Suppression Helped Elect Donald Trump

By Sean McElwee, Salon

Voting in America is highly stratified and unequal. If it were slightly less so, Hillary Clinton would be president. READ MORE»

A Sneaky Way to Hurt Social Justice: Cut U.S. Census Bureau Funding

By Mona Chalabi, The Guardian

Census numbers underpin just about everything we know about the economy, education, health and justice in America. That’s why they matter so much. READ MORE»

How Female Farmers Are Fighting Big Ag's Gender Injustice by Taking Control of Their Food Systems

By Ahna Kruzic, Erik Hazard, Food First

The number of U.S. women farm operators has grown by nearly 300 percent since 1978. READ MORE»

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