Day two of IAB’s NewFronts featured presentations from Samsung, Condé Nast and Roku, highlighting new partnerships, ad formats and inventory, as well as new AI capabilities.
May 01, 2024

Samsung, Condé Nast, Roku focus presentations on new ad formats and category-specific inventory

Day two of IAB's NewFronts featured presentations from Samsung, Condé Nast and Roku, highlighting new partnerships, ad formats and inventory, as well as new AI capabilities.

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Other things to know about
  • There are only a few spots left to attend the Digiday Programmatic Marketing Summit from May 15-17 in Palm Springs. Secure your passes for the opportunity to connect with leaders from Frontier Airlines, Assembly, GroupM and more.
  • Data-driven advertisers are turning to the 1-in-60 rule, which underscores the importance of precision in targeting strategies and data sets used for measurement. Sponsored by Adstra.
  • While establishing a retail media network is challenging, savvy retailers know it’s an opportunity too great to miss and are building sophisticated tech stacks with self-service layers to succeed. Sponsored by Adform.
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