Dear Friends,

Today we unveiled a refreshed website, in the final rollout of our redesign. now includes reinvigorated typography, layouts, photography, and illustrations: The result is a cohesive visual and reading experience for you, our reader, both in print and online.  

The New Republic is meeting the present crisis with the sense of urgency it demands, and we’re also working hard to present it within the context of the broader political, cultural, and socioeconomic challenges before us. Our reconfigured website will explore the ongoing fallout from the pandemic in line with the allied issues of climate change and inequality.

As part of the redesigned site, The New Republic is launching four new editorial verticals. The Soapbox, Apocalypse Soon, Sold Short, and Critical Mass all feature the specialized focus and close-in reporting of The New Republic’s staff writers and editors, together with the work of outside contributors. 
  • The Soapbox, edited by deputy editor Jason Linkins, provides in-depth coverage of national politics and is built to outlast the Trump administration.
  • Apocalypse Soon features our extensive climate coverage under the direction of deputy editor Heather Souvaine Horn
  • Sold Short examines the pressing issue of inequality in American life—a body of issues thrown into stark relief by the impact of the coronavirus; coverage is led by deputy editor Katie McDonough
  • Critical Mass, edited by deputy editor Ryu Spaeth in conjunction with literary editor Laura Marsh, continues The New Republic’s great tradition of engaging and well-argued cultural and literary commentary. 
Each vertical is accompanied by a weekly newsletter exploring a critical story of the moment that demands our attention.

This is all part of the magazine’s historic mission as a robust advocate for liberal reform. Amid the major upheavals we now face, we’re more dedicated than ever to bringing this message before an expanded readership on a new range of platforms.

Visit our new site—but before you get immersed, update your profile to sign up for our new newsletters and make sure you don’t miss a word of our team’s award-winning journalism.
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