Washington Post Beirut bureau chief Liz Sly reports from outside the Islamic State’s capital in Syria, where a preliminary operation to isolate and besiege Raqqa is going well. But a full offensive to retake the city could still be months or more away, despite hopes in Washington that an operation to take the Islamic State’s most symbolically significant stronghold would be well underway before President Obama left office.
News Alert Wed., Dec. 28, 2016 6:34 p.m.
A rare visit to the Raqqa front line shows how the defeat of the Islamic State remains so near and yet so far
Washington Post Beirut bureau chief Liz Sly reports from outside the Islamic State’s capital in Syria, where a preliminary operation to isolate and besiege Raqqa is going well. But a full offensive to retake the city could still be months or more away, despite hopes in Washington that an operation to take the Islamic State’s most symbolically significant stronghold would be well underway before President Obama left office.
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