Voting has ended in more than three dozen states that together represent 429 electoral votes.

Donald Trump has a lead of less than 150,000 votes in Florida over Hillary Clinton, with 90 percent of precincts reporting. He is ahead in Virginia by less than 15,000 votes, and about 1,000 votes separate the candidates in New Hampshire.
News Alert Tue., Nov. 08, 2016 9:52 p.m.
Donald Trump is showing surprising strength in battleground states, with Florida and several others too close to call
Voting has ended in more than three dozen states that together represent 429 electoral votes.

Donald Trump has a lead of less than 150,000 votes in Florida over Hillary Clinton, with 90 percent of precincts reporting. He is ahead in Virginia by less than 15,000 votes, and about 1,000 votes separate the candidates in New Hampshire.
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