The ruling from Judge James L. Robart was broader than similar ones before it, and it prompted officials to immediately communicate with airlines. At the same time, though, the White House said in a statement the Justice Department would file “at the earliest possible time” for an emergency stay of the “outrageous” ruling from the judge. Minutes later, it issued a similar statement removing the word “outrageous.”
News Alert Fri., Feb. 03, 2017 11:01 p.m.
Government authorities have begun taking steps to allow those previously banned to travel, based on new federal ruling
The ruling from Judge James L. Robart was broader than similar ones before it, and it prompted officials to immediately communicate with airlines. At the same time, though, the White House said in a statement the Justice Department would file “at the earliest possible time” for an emergency stay of the “outrageous” ruling from the judge. Minutes later, it issued a similar statement removing the word “outrageous.”
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