The Army as early as Wednesday will allow the 1,200-mile, $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline to cross under a Missouri River reservoir in North Dakota, according to Justice Department documents. President Trump had instructed Army Corps of Engineers officials — who withheld the final permit needed to complete the pipeline project in December, citing the need for a more extensive environmental review — to expedite its review.
News Alert Tue., Feb. 07, 2017 4:36 p.m.
Trump administration will approve final permit for Dakota Access pipeline, allowing the disputed project to be completed
The Army as early as Wednesday will allow the 1,200-mile, $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline to cross under a Missouri River reservoir in North Dakota, according to Justice Department documents. President Trump had instructed Army Corps of Engineers officials — who withheld the final permit needed to complete the pipeline project in December, citing the need for a more extensive environmental review — to expedite its review.
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