Facing a sharp backlash over remarks in which he bragged about groping women, the Republican presidential nominee released a brief videotaped apology. “I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words that were released today in this more than a decade-old video are one of them,” said Trump, who dismissed the report as “nothing more than a distraction.”
News Alert Sat., Oct. 08, 2016 12:20 a.m.
Trump apologizes for comments in 2005 video: ‘I said it. I was wrong and I apologize.’
Facing a sharp backlash over remarks in which he bragged about groping women, the Republican presidential nominee released a brief videotaped apology. “I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words that were released today in this more than a decade-old video are one of them,” said Trump, who dismissed the report as “nothing more than a distraction.”
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